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First solutions
Interaction/actions in and around WDKA
Why what who?

selecting one action/
"The bridge"

How can 'we' (The passer byers (Everyone making use of the bridge))
Pas in safety, taking the 1,5 meters in account

To crowded/small to pass each other safely.
Traffic lights: Doesn't work because of the surrounding.
Meaning: There's no place to wait for the green lights (In case it is crowded.)

'Plastic protector':
Somekind of border in-between the bridge to guarantee safe passage and no waiting lines.

It's still kind of boring, in what way can the plastic protector be improved.

Inspiration partition wall
Glass-, glass distortion-, mirror-, mirror distortion-wall

=interaction without touching
Touchy touchy wall
(might bring up wrong ideas)
Interaction with the "outsiders"
playing with silhouettes.
(TOP view)
Playing with lighting, sensors/ animations?
(Look at the middle picture)
I think it is important to make social distancing fun/interesting/different(/beautiful?) where possible.

The bridge/passage is a crowded and narrow place, I'm not even sure if it's 1,5 meter wide. This is why it is in need of a solution.

This solution should be an interaction. Wether it's between two or multiple people or private is something I'm not yet sure about.

> which form, technique, material, method and medium would be relevant to use for the design of the interface?

I would like to make use of some kind of image manipulation.

This could be achieved by:
-Textures (such as)
-Distorted glass
-Glow in the dark

-Software (such as)
and distort
One side is closed up, other side is made of glass thus see through.